Coming 2024









Created by social justice educator, organizational consultant, and writer Relando Thompkins-Jones of Notes from an Aspiring Humanitarian, Social Justice Origin Stories features personal stories and defining moments that have inspired individuals and organizations to work for equity and social justice.

In each Episode, Relando interviews guests who share critical moments that activated them to pursue equity and social justice in their own ways. Through Truth-Telling: the honest sharing of their own experiences, they teach us a little about themselves, hopefully enabling us to be able to learn a little about ourselves through their stories.

At Social Justice Origin Stories, We believe:

There’s power in storytelling, and lived-experience is experience.

There’s enough room for all of us to do this work. There are many ways to contribute, and our contributions don’t all need to be the same. We can enter and remain, using the gifts that are special to us, while supporting others in using theirs.

We have the capacity to grow and change for the better, given new information and experiences.

We firmly believe in our inherent worth and capabilities. We possess the power to inspire and effect change in ourselves and others. We can transcend the confines of the status quo we have been given, to imagine and design more equitable and humanizing systems.

Every journey has a beginning. What’s yours?

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